The benefits of yoga for adults, like calming our minds, releasing stress and creating space in the body are the same for children, but there are many more reasons why kids yoga is really beneficial for children’s development.
Benefits of Kids Yoga
Nowadays children are spending more time behind a screen than ever before. Their bodies are growing and developing. Children need to connect and discover what they can do with it! They need exploration, movement and challenges. In Kids yoga we use and move our body, we make shapes with our body, hold balancing poses and stand on their hands so explore all that we can do with this body!
To think about how to do something and then practice how to execute this with your body creates a mind body connection. You are re-connecting the ability to use the mind to move the body. As a child’s body is developing and growing, to stimulate this connection is of great importance.
To experience how it feels to try something and to fail at it, without judgement or negativity, is one of the benefits of Kids yoga. To try a yoga pose like the handstand, and falling out of it a hundred times but getting back up and trying it again creates stamina and perseverance, not only in yoga but also in life! When a child experiences these failures without connecting a negative thought or feeling towards it, it learns that it is okay to fall and to get up and try again!
In Kids yoga there is not one right way to do a pose, as we all have different bodies, we all look different in a pose but we are all doing it right! Children learn how it feels that it is totally okay to be different. Kids yoga celebrates these differences and there is no competition element. Kids yoga encourages children to find their own shape and way, in yoga and in life.
In Kids yoga there’s always a focus on the breath, to plant a seed of awareness in children how they are breathing and how air flows in and out of their body. It helps children to discover how the breath and in what ways controlling their breathing can help them in their life to feel more calm, relaxed or at ease.
In Kids yoga children are encouraged to be who they are. Everyone is respected, supported and motivated to be themselves in a fun and loving way. To have this valuable experience can help children deal with life’s challenges.
Kids Yoga Ocean Flow
A short & fun yoga practice for kids from 7-12 years old.
Follow along as we become crocodiles and butterflies…This sequence is grounding and calming, ending with a short meditation and breathing exercise.
Practice with us and comment below so we know what you think♥
Kids Yoga Sequence
A short & fun practice for kids from 7-12 years old.
Follow along as we go on a yoga journey, becoming a tree, a boat and other shapes, using our bodies to move and play. We will end with a short meditation, tracing our breath with our hands in our bellies.
Practice with us and comment below so we know what you think ♥

Kids Yoga is for everyone!
Kids Yoga can be done by every child, is for every age and there is no right or wrong doing and alignment of the poses. The only rule in kids yoga is that as an adult we don’t help children get into the pose, we let them try and try again to gain confidence in their own ability. We believe that if they can’t do a handstand, it is not for them to do it at this moment in time.
The focus in Kids Yoga lays on making movement fun, while experiencing what the body can do and how the breathing is involved. As body awareness grows, so does their confidence and belief in themselves. Kids yoga is an empowering and fun way of building muscle, flexibility and friend groups along the way.♥